As of Fall 2012, UCLA undergraduates in any major can obtain a Bioinformatics minor.
The Bioinformatics minor introduces undergraduate students to the emerging interdisciplinary field of Bioinformatics, an active area of research at UCLA combining elements of the Computational Sciences with the Biological Sciences. The minor organizes the many course offerings in different UCLA departments into a coherent course plan providing undergraduate students with significant training in bioinformatics in addition to the training they obtain from their major. Students who complete the minor will be strong candidates for admission to Ph.D. programs in bioinformatics as well as have the relevant training to obtain jobs in the biotechnology industry.
Students in the minor complete a core curriculum and an elective course. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research as early as possible in one of the many research groups offering research opportunities in Bioinformatics.
More information about the Bioinformatics Minor is available below and at: